Tiana Dodson

With a decade as a body liberation facilitator and a lifetime of lived experience as a fat, biracial, queer, neurodivergent person, Tiana Dodson is well-versed in what it is to exist in a multiply-marginalized body. As an active co-creator of the Syllabus for Liberation, her work addresses how personal, community, and global liberation depend upon each other. Through her consulting services, group offerings, and public speaking, Tiana highlights the ways these systems of oppression are bound together and how we can push back against them.

Jun 28 • 2 min read

We get started Monday. Will I see you there?

Hi Reader!

This is my current complaint list: It's really hot, I'm white-knuckling my way through the end of this school year, the tendinitis in my foot is back, and I just want to go lay down.

Can you relate to any of that?

But before I retire to my bed and the delight of a Netflix show, I wanted to send this little nudge out to you since Monday is the day that we begin our Mid-Year Reset live run of Love Notes for a New Year.

[click here to learn more and join us!]

I've been saying lots of stuff over the past few weeks about why Love Notes are awesome (I even made a podcast series about their usefulness), so I simply want to tell you about why I love the Love Notes so much (and why I think you'll love them, too).

It's hard living in this world right now. And in the middle of all the terrible stuff going on (genocides, wars, garbage choice elections, fascism being in fashion), it might be really hard to choose to take care of yourself.

Because everything else feels so urgent, I feel like I need to put my personal needs on the back burner. And I bet that might be happening for you as well.

But in order to make sure that you stay able to be an effective, brave, and capable ally and co-conspirator to the folks who need your help finding their way to liberation (and that includes yourself!), you need to make sure you're taking care of yourself, too.

And that's one of the gorgeous parts of the Love Notes.

The Love Notes help you make space for the things you want in your life by getting rid of the old stuff that's holding you back from being who you want to be.

And for every unhelpful bit of conditioning you carry on your back that you can dismantle and discard, it frees up your capacity for something new, something fresh, something generative and liberatory. (This is my very favorite part!)

Though the Love Notes are always available for you to start at any time, by joining us for this live run in July, you'll be able to do all this self-exploration and rebuilding with support and companionship.

Let's get free together, because I want you to be there with me on the other side of all of this.

Join me for this Mid-Year Reset and let's move more confidently into the rest of 2024.

In love, liberation, and solidarity,

Sent with big fat love from a messy desk and a neurodivergent mind.

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With a decade as a body liberation facilitator and a lifetime of lived experience as a fat, biracial, queer, neurodivergent person, Tiana Dodson is well-versed in what it is to exist in a multiply-marginalized body. As an active co-creator of the Syllabus for Liberation, her work addresses how personal, community, and global liberation depend upon each other. Through her consulting services, group offerings, and public speaking, Tiana highlights the ways these systems of oppression are bound together and how we can push back against them.

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