Tiana Dodson

With a decade as a body liberation facilitator and a lifetime of lived experience as a fat, biracial, queer, neurodivergent person, Tiana Dodson is well-versed in what it is to exist in a multiply-marginalized body. As an active co-creator of the Syllabus for Liberation, her work addresses how personal, community, and global liberation depend upon each other. Through her consulting services, group offerings, and public speaking, Tiana highlights the ways these systems of oppression are bound together and how we can push back against them.

Apr 18 • 2 min read

Wanna try something new with me?

Hey Reader!

Years ago, I got into the work of Gretchen Rubin. She's somebody who did lots of research around happiness and even published a book about it.

One big thing I took away from her work (nothing about happiness, somehow), was that I was an Obliger.

Here's what her quiz results say about folks like me, "Obligers meet outer expectations, but struggle to meet inner expectations. Of all the Tendencies, Obligers are the biggest group, and the ones whom people count on the most. They put a high value on meeting commitments to others, but may have trouble setting limits and meeting their commitments to themselves."

Yes, I got all my cards pulled and read for filth.

hate. hate. hate. hate.

However, like most personality tests, not all the details fit, but I still find the title of Obliger to be a helpful shorthand.

So as an Obliger, I tend to have to say things out loud to other people to make myself follow through on stuff.

(ideas are easy, execution is hard)

Thus, I've gotten a new idea... something exciting (again)!

I'm starting a new podcast!!!

Yeah, I know I've already got a podcast (it's the Live Your Best Fat Life podcast and you can find it anywhere fine podcasts are listed if you haven't checked it out yet or here even).

But the trouble I have with the publicness of that podcast is that, though I am open and honest with what I'm sharing there, I tend to only share things that are fully baked and ready for consumption.

That means that when I wake up with a new and exciting idea that I want to share, I end up unable to get it out to you because it's still half baked (or just some stuff thrown into a bowl together making a wet, sticky goo... though it's a delicious wet, sticky goo).

And that makes me really frustrated.

I'm tired of that frustration, so I'm going to try this new thing to circumvent the stuckness of needing to have things ready to go.

Introducing: the Fat Freedom Practice Space: A Private Podcast.

So, back to the whole Obliger thing.

I've already released the first episode: 7 minutes and 21 seconds of me processing my (very weird) enjoyment of going to the dentist.

(If you already know you want to hear me talk about stuff like this, then click here and subscribe.)

I plan to release an impromptu episode about once a week (and sometimes more often when I've got something that needs saying).

But in order to keep me focused and releasing these episodes, I need to know you're interested.

For the first 10 folks who choose to be my Test Pilots, you get to join me on this wild journey for $27 per month.

After that, I will be raising the price to $47 per month or $444 per year for access to this list of deeply vulnerable episodes.

Obligers unite!

In love, liberation, and solidarity,

Sent with big fat love from a messy desk and a neurodivergent mind.

If you loved what you read, share it with your friends!

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With a decade as a body liberation facilitator and a lifetime of lived experience as a fat, biracial, queer, neurodivergent person, Tiana Dodson is well-versed in what it is to exist in a multiply-marginalized body. As an active co-creator of the Syllabus for Liberation, her work addresses how personal, community, and global liberation depend upon each other. Through her consulting services, group offerings, and public speaking, Tiana highlights the ways these systems of oppression are bound together and how we can push back against them.

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