Tiana Dodson

With a decade as a body liberation facilitator and a lifetime of lived experience as a fat, biracial, queer, neurodivergent person, Tiana Dodson is well-versed in what it is to exist in a multiply-marginalized body. As an active co-creator of the Syllabus for Liberation, her work addresses how personal, community, and global liberation depend upon each other. Through her consulting services, group offerings, and public speaking, Tiana highlights the ways these systems of oppression are bound together and how we can push back against them.

Jul 25 • 2 min read

Hell yes, you should rebel!!!

Hey hey Reader!

A really cool thing happened in one of my group calls! Lemme tell you all about it.

During this week's Check In Coffee Chat for the live run Mid-Year Reset of Love Notes for a New Year, one of the participants said that after she read that day's Love Note, her knee jerk reaction was, "hell no!!!"

You see, this participant is someone who identifies as the kind of person who happily follows rules. She likes to know what is expected of her and meet those expectations. So when she gets her daily reminder email, she takes the time to read that day's Love Note and respond to the Reflection Prompts I've provided.

But not that day.

That day, she broke free of that prescriptive story she's been living into by deciding to rebel against my suggestion because it didn't serve the reality of where she is in this season of her life.

And I celebrate the fuck out of that.

She has been so very intentional with setting up boundaries for herself that are both supportive and protective of her low capacity. So she has been paying so much attention to what actually works for her right now.

That day's Love Note didn't make the cut.

And with this one, seemingly small rebellion, she's made a bit more space for what can be possible and real for her moving forward while also conserving her resources for something else that may serve her better.

We are all capable of learning how to do that for ourselves.

So much of the growth and progress along your journey towards body liberation is going to require you learning to say hell no when the opportunity or invitation in front of you does not serve you.

And learning and practicing the skills necessary to do exactly that can be really challenging.

So as we move through our summer and back into the more rigid "inside" months of the year, where the pulls on our capacity and time tend to get heavier and less fun (back to school season, anyone?), I'm putting together a workshop where we will learn and practice some of these skills.

I don't have all the details in place just yet, but I want to make sure it's as helpful as possible. So if you are someone who is curious about how you can get better at discerning what you actually have capacity and time for, could you help me out and tell me a bit about your specific struggles, wants, and needs?

I can't wait to hear your input! It'll make the workshop so much better!!!

Here's to building the skills for liberation!

In love, liberation, and solidarity,

P.S. I've got space for 3 new one-on-one coaching clients. If you're interested in having my support on *you*, then book a tea and let's chat about it.

Sent with big fat love from a messy desk and a neurodivergent mind.

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With a decade as a body liberation facilitator and a lifetime of lived experience as a fat, biracial, queer, neurodivergent person, Tiana Dodson is well-versed in what it is to exist in a multiply-marginalized body. As an active co-creator of the Syllabus for Liberation, her work addresses how personal, community, and global liberation depend upon each other. Through her consulting services, group offerings, and public speaking, Tiana highlights the ways these systems of oppression are bound together and how we can push back against them.

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